Bullfight - Tourada Socratic Seminars!

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Title: Touradas "Bullfight"
Ideas and values: Strength, culture, group work, cooperation and courage.
Suggested Pre-Seminar Activities:
  1. Teacher will provide students with background information about bullfightes in various cultures.
  2. Students will complete a graphical organizer with reasons in favor or against bullfights. Graphic organizer will be used as a T-chart.
  3. Students will watch several videos of bullfight and create a Jornal Entry with their feelings and thoughts about bullfights.

Suggested Post - Seminar Activities

  1. Students will learn the major components of a bullfight
  2. Research the different types of clothes involved in a tourada.
  3. Students will create a poem in Portuguse about the feelings the have of a bullfight.
  4. Students will compare and contrast bullfight in Portugal and Spain
  5. Students will compare and contrast bullfight with the Rodeos in the United States


  • Teacher will select a video from Youtube to show students and engage them  in conversation

Opening Question - (Round Robin)

  1. Do you believe that the bullfight is a sacrifice?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with bullfights and why?

Core Question:

  1. What phases of the bullfight did you find intriguing? Why?
  2. What does this Youtube clip say about bullfights? Explain?
  3. What message is conveyed in the video clip? briefly justify your point of view.

Closing Question:

  1. How does the idea in the video clip relate to life?

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"Copyright 2007, Antonio Almeida.
All Rights Reserved."
"Last revised Thursday - January 15, 2015"