Sports and Leisure Activities in Portugal


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My unit on Sports and Leisure Activities in Portugal
Touradas and soccer are the favorite sport and leisure activities of the Portuguese. Touradas are part of the culture of the Portuguese. Portuguese Tourada "Bullfighting," is different than all the other Bullfights around the world, because the bull is not killed at the end of the Bullfight. Soccer is the national sport and the favorite leisure activity for most of the Portuguese.

Tourada ~ Bullfight

Horse Bullfighting
Bullfight Instructional Web sites:

California Bloodless Bullfights

Youtube - Bullfighter on foot

The art of the Portuguese Equestrian Bullfights

Campo Pequeno

Bull fighting, Culture in Spain

Corrida de Touros

Cidades Anti-Touradas no Mundo

Paideia - Seminar Bullfight

Test your knowledge on bullfighting 
1. What is the major difference between the Portuguese bullfighting and the Spanish bullfighting?
2. How many man form the group of forcados?
3. What are the forcados?
4. What is the main Arena in Portugal where most of the bullfights happen?
5. In what country can the bull be killed in a bullfight?
6. Which is the only city in Portugal that the bull can be killed?
7. What is the name of the music played during the touradas?
8. Why does the bullfighter use very colorful clothes?

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"Copyright 2007, Antonio Almeida.
All Rights Reserved."
"Last revised Thursday - January 15, 2015"